Chemical Free Anti Wrinkle Facial Oil


Why Breathe Again: Breathe Again is a curated brand for all things wellness. We want to help you live a long and healthy life by offering chemical-free, pure unadulterated products that promote health and well being. Breathe Again has partnered with some of the world’s finest suppliers to provide you best-in-class product and unparalleled customer service. We are committed to your physical and mental wellbeing. Peace of mind comes from good health.


Breathe again Anti wrinkle Oil is made from base oils like argan oil, almond oil, pomegranate oil, hazelnut oil, olive oil and the other essentials oils. Our formulation is based on ancient Indian Ayurveda.

Breathe again anti-wrinkle/ anti-ageing oil works wonders on your skin leaving your skin looking young. It slows down the ageing process by reducing the appearance of the fine lines on your skin. For best results use it regularly for 3 to 4 months every day.


Wash your face, pat dry your face with clean cotton. Take two to three drops of oil and massage it on your entire face stroking upwards for a minute. You can use your makeup after half an hour of the application. Leaving a gap of half an hour allows the skin to absorb the oils completely, For best results repeat the application at night before sleep.

  • Protects from sun damage
  • Moisturizes skin
  • Treats acne
  • Has anti-aging effects
  • Reduces skin’s oiliness
  • Prevents and reduces stretch marks.
  • Vitamin A: The retinol in vitamin A has the ability to stimulate the production of new skin cells and smooth fine lines. 
  • Vitamin E: This nutrient has antioxidant properties that may help prevent cell damage and help caused by the sun.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: These nutrients may help prevent premature aging and safeguard against sun damage.
  • Zinc: This is an essential nutrient for healing acne or other facial scars.
  • Reduces puffiness and under-eye circles
  • Improves complexion and skin tone
  • Reduces the appearance of scars


Pomegranates are fondly referred to as “The Fruit of Life” and as “Nature’s Power Fruit” for their ability to maintain and enhance many body systems and functions, thereby promoting optimal health.

Used topically in skin care and in massages, Pomegranate Carrier Oil boosts collagen production, enhances skin elasticity, reduces the appearance of scarring, promotes the reversal of skin damage, and leaves lasting moisture without leaving a greasy residue or clogging pores.


One cup of hazelnuts offers about 86% of the daily Vitamin E requirement. It also contains Vitamin A and Vitamin C, two powerful antioxidants. A synergistic effect of these vitamins prevents the onset of fine lines and wrinkles on your skin, thus delaying the early onset of ageing signs. Helps in Delaying Premature Ageing. It helps boost collagen production. The vitamin E in hazelnut oil may also help reduce the appearance of fine lines. Vitamin E is an important antioxidant for skin care because it helps smooth your skin as well as helps the outer layer of skin retain water and moisture. Hazelnut oil is rich in vitamin E, and experimental evidence suggests that vitamin E can reduce hyper-pigmentation.

Olive oil has many vitamins, including A, D, and K, as well as vitamin E. Olive oil is also an antioxidant, So it might help prevent or reverse damage from cancer-causing ultraviolet radiation.

Product Self Life
Best use before 12 months from the packaging date.

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